Friends, I’m so excited to help you get FREE so you can pursue and live your God-given Calling!  What is more precious and holy and EXCITING than helping you GRAB life by the horns and do what only YOU can do?

I used to be stuck too.  I left my corporate engineering career to be a stay-at-home mom, and was so thankful to be able to make that choice.  But boy, it was a very financially challenging decision!  The economy was unstable, we were supported by one uncertain corporate salary, and we had a growing family with 4 young children.  I needed a backup plan!

I studied my options….how could I have my cake and eat it too?  How could I stay home full time with my children AND make enough money to support a family of 6?  And boy, it would sure be nice to live and give Abundantly, instead of just squeaking by every month!

By God’s grace, I discovered a way to have it all.  I can now give away more money every month than I used to take home when I was climbing the corporate ladder! 

What would true and lasting freedom look and feel like for YOU?  Have you even dared to dream about it lately, or are you so entrenched in the “old” and “normal” way of doing things, that the idea of liberation from those golden handcuffs is unthinkable?  Open your mind, friends….I have a way, and it’s my joy and passion to help you too!

I’ll provide hints and tips here from time to time, but for now, the best way to connect with me is on Facebook.  You can find me here.  Drop me a message when you get there so we can get to know each other!

To YOUR Abundant Life, ox Daiq