To Impress or Bless?

untitled-designHave you ever noticed how SMALL you feel when you try to impress…..but how BIG you feel when your goal is to bless? That’s a major clue to the purpose for which you were designed!

We are perfectly designed to be giving creatures. You have a specific and unique combination of passions, talents, and timing. You are HERE, NOW, and just the way YOU ARE for a reason….to do your work….to live your Calling. What a shame if your Calling is wasted because you’ve believed the lie that your job is to impress! 

Don’t worry about how the world might perceive you today — you’ll never win that battle. What you CAN do is look for ways to bless others with who you are….and who you are is not only enough….who you are is PERFECTLY SUITED to the job that God has for you today. Go forward into this new week with the confidence that can only come with Him at your side! oxox

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